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Student services and counseling programs function to:
- Assist all students in assessing and understanding their abilities, aptitudes, interest and educational needs.
- Increase student understanding of the educational and career opportunities and requirements.
- Help students make the best possible use of these opportunities through the formation and achievement of realistic goals.
- Help students attain satisfactory personal-social adjustments.
- Provide information useful to RMCTC staff members, parents and community in planning and evaluating the school’s total program.
- Provide crisis counseling and referrals.
- Help students transition from school to work.
- Assist students with post secondary and continuing education plans.
Coordination with other school services and appropriate community organizations is of prime importance. The school counselor functions in such essential activities of the student services program as follows:
- Collecting, organizing and interpreting information necessary to gain an understanding of the students’ abilities, aptitudes, interests and other personal characteristics related to career planning and progress and satisfactory personal-social adjustments.
- Make available to parents and teachers, information useful to them in understanding educational and career opportunities and requirements, and personal and social relationships, related to the choice of and progress in an occupational field.
- Developing Articulation Agreements and Dual Credit Courses with post-secondary schools to provide students with opportunities for advanced placement.
- Assisting teachers and administrators in providing industry certification opportunities for students.